Saturday, August 1, 2009

Breast Feeding, great for some, Meh for me,

I will be the first to admit, I am extremely lucky when it comes to breast feeding. Elliott took to it right away. I didn't have any issues with pain, or him not latching properly, he takes to a bottle no problem, I produce enough, and Elliott seems to enjoy it. I on the other hand greatly dislike it. I know, I know. I should be thankful... well I am, doesn't mean I have to lie about liking it. I wish I was one of those women who enjoyed breast feeding. You know the ones, that say its a huge reward, and a bonding experience with their babies. They feel privileged that they are the only ones that can provide that for their child. They make up the select few that breast feed until their child is 2 (Which no matter what you say personally weirds me out. But hey its your boob and your kid, don't let me come between you two!)
First off I am NOT a touchy feely type of person. I detest touch from anyone but a select few, and even that select few I get maxed out on pretty fast. It was very hard for me to get use to being sucked on and snuggled with every hour and a half for the first few weeks. Even now, six months later, when Elliott is having a snugly kind of day he is handed off to Daddy as soon as Daddy walks through the door because I am MAXED out on touching.
Its very important to me that I do not pass on this awkwardness about physical contact to my son. So I often touch, massage, caress and hold him even though it can grate on my nerves at times. I even want to take infant massage classes with him. (which reminds me I should look into that) My sister is actually very much like me in this regard, so I believe it has something to do with how we were raised. She is self conscious of it too and has raised a super snuggler (my niece, who is turning 3 this Monday! Happy birthday hunny!)
It doesn't seem fair actually. I think this whole breast feeding thing is very much "the grass is greener on the other side" sort of thing. Women who want to breast feed badly seem to on average (in my limited experience) not be able to. While women who can, don't feel the need to put themselves through it.
So at this point you may be asking yourself "If she hates it so much, why does she do it?" Why? MONEY! Its free, its also environmentally friendly. And hey, it means I get to eat a bit more at supper. I am all up for that!
On a separate note, Elliott has sprouted a tooth... we will see how long this whole breast feeding thing lasts after this. I have been bitten a lot in the four days since that sharp little thing came poking through his gums. My goal? 9 months. Why? Because he can go on whole milk then! Yippee!

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